Digital Storytelling: Movie Maker Live

Welcome back Ron!

Monday we had the opportunity to explore using iMovie on the Mac. Today we will be exploring Windows Live Movie Maker for the PC (click on the link for the PDF file). Once class starts, be prepared to share a PC with someone else.

For reference, or while you’re waiting for class to start, check out some digital stories from past students:

5th grade mathematics
High School Chemistry
Special Education

Just a reminder: Friday, March 2 and Monday, March 5 are workdays and attendance is optional. I will be in the lab to help you with your video. Please plan to attend if you need support on your project or access to the lab. If you have missed 3 days of class, this will count as a “make-up” day since attendance is optional. You are also welcome to turn your project in earlier. (See directions for posting on your site below).

Your digital story is due at the beginning of class on Wednesday, March 7. Please review earlier blog posts for specific requirements for the project.

Directions for Submitting Work

Here are the directions for submitting your work. Please make sure NOT to wait until the last minute!!

  1. Create a Creativity and Innovation page
  2. On that page, write a short description of your story
  3. Follow these exporting directions:

Here’s how to add your video to your Creativity and Innovation page (it depends on what tool you chose):

iMovie and MovieMaker: Follow these directions (iMovie is similar to Movie Maker – these will be in the files from Ron) to upload your movie to YouTube. Then, copy the url for your movie in YouTube, open your digital storytelling page, select “Insert” from the dropdown menu, then select “YouTube video” and paste the YouTube url in the provided textbox. This will embed your movie directly on your digital storytelling page. (You don’t have to put it on YouTube – let me know if you want different directions).

You’ll use original still images or video that you’ve captured for your story. If you want to use photos from the internet, make sure you are using creative commons images that allow you to copy and use. Resources we discussed in class may be helpful. Cite your sources if you are using them from other locations. If you don’t have access to a digital camera or video camera and you’re in the Athens area, you can check them out from OIT in ROOM 232, Aderhold. The checkout is for 5 days and you’ll need your Student ID to sign them out.

For Friday:

1. Continue working on your digital story. Friday and next Monday’s class are optional workdays – I’ll be here in the lab to help you.

2. Digital Stories are due Wednesday, March 7.  Today’s post contains information about how to add your story to your portfolio.